Application Security Engineer at Amazon with interest in penetration testing, vulnerability analysis, and smart contracts.
- M.Sc. in Cybersecurity, 2022 – New York University
- B.S. in Computer Science and Criminology, 2016 – Florida State University
- Penetration Testing
- Cloud Security
- Risk Analysis & Compliance
- Application Security
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The reason I started this blog is to share my thoughts about information security. Furthermore, with this blog, I make a summary of my thoughts and from what I’ve learned, by sharing this information, with you, in an article I push myself to understand the information I write down.
Feel free to take a look at my writeups, they are mostly for the intention of self learning, but I encourage others to add input and understand my methodologies.
Would you like to follow me, or share interesting information or improvements on this blog? I can be reached through the channels below: